The Importance of Listening

head-of-state-67753_1920When engaging in conversation, many of us want to share our knowledge and experiences with others. This may be inform or educate others and at times just to impress people. While there is value to us sharing our knowledge, it is also very important to engage in active listening and learning from others.

Listening provides many benefits:

It engages other people: Have you been in a conversation where someone just talks about themselves and takes no interest in you? You probably weren’t as engaged in the conversation and may have been looking for a way out. Imagine how someone else may feel if they are not given an opportunity to speak and share their thoughts and ideas. Providing people with a platform to speak engages them more in the conversation and they are going to be more likely to listen intently when you speak. It can help to develop a relationship of trust and respect.

You learn more about the other person: Letting others speak provides an opportunity to learn more about the person. This can give you a better understanding of what make them tick, what challenges they are facing, and other things they are working on. This can help when planning a project where this person will be a key resource.

It’s an opportunity to learn something new: We cannot learn anything new by just talking ourselves. Every person has unique experiences which offer unique skills and knowledge that can provide value. Considering ideas from a fresh perspective can help to create new ways of thinking and generate new solutions to old problems. You may also learn about something that you may enjoy, be it a movie, restaurant, or place to visit.

When engaging in conversation with someone, take time to ask the other person some questions to get them talking. It can be to ask their opinion on something or to share an experience they have had. Give the person time to speak and engage in active listening. Try to avoid the urge to interject and take in the information. Many of us are guilty of getting ready to reply rather than just listening to the other person.

Listening is a skill which will help us in building stronger relationships.

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